BC Platforms has been qualified to receive Tekes funding for its R&D program for its large-scale clinical and genomic R&D solutions. The company has set a tight focus on data integration and interoperability tools and interfaces. The BC Operating System facilitates management of truly diverse resources in a scattered data landscape. Data recycling, security, and research reproducibility are the driving principles behind the development of BC Platforms’ products.
Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, has a crucial role in helping the company to detach resources for a two-year development project. With a market entry in sight in year 2015, the company will roll out a completely new infrastructure to compete ever-increasing research data overflow. The aim is to bring high performance analysis management tools to the reach of biological, medical, and veterinary R&D projects of all sizes.
“We are very pleased with the funding decision. This funding ensures that the development of our core product, BC Operating System, will meet the requirements of the most demanding infrastructures in the future,” says Anni Ahonen-Bishopp, R&D Director of BC Platforms. “The funding also allows us to invest in our growth strategy”, CEO of BC Platforms, Tero Silvola, adds.
The data integration and analysis management platform will be available as a pure cloud solution, as an in-house server platform, or as a hybrid of the two. The platform supports EHR data, legacy biobank collections, phenotype, genomic, transcriptomic, and NGS -derived data. Although analysis and reporting tools can be freely customized, three major workflows will be optimized for highest and most stable performance: NGS analysis, genome wide associations, and imputation of genotypes.
The new platform will have strategic pilot projects at the end of 2014.