BC Platforms is excited to be a key part of the European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN) community, to leverage harmonized data sources and contribute to work towards uncovering the transformational potential of real-world data (RWD) in helping to improve healthcare systems, and ultimately patient outcomes.
EHDEN is a public-private partnership, established to support an EU wide architecture for federated analyses of real world data, harmonizing more than 100 million anonymised health records to a common data model and enabling open science collaboration outcomes at scale.
A key component of EHDEN’s mission is establishing a technical framework for a federated data network standardised to the OMOP common data model. BC Platforms is actively working to realize this mission. We believe in the power of real-world data to accelerate research discoveries and reduce patient risk in drug development. We developed our diverse Global Data Partner Network to enable realization of the full potential of real-world data.
The transformative potential of harmonized large-scale data
In the age of big data, the scientific community is continuously challenged to generate deeper insights and evidence from real-world clinical data at scale. This data has significant potential to unlock discoveries that support patients, clinicians, regulators, governments, and the pharmaceutical industry in understanding disease treatments, outcomes and new therapeutics and devices. However, such data is difficult to use at scale, in a myriad of languages, systems and structures, with challenging policy restrictions and technology considerations. In response to this, EHDEN was created.
EHDEN is disease-agnostic and aspires to provide a new paradigm for the discovery and analysis of health data in Europe.
Outi Törnwall, BC Platforms’ Data Partnerships Director, comments: “We are thrilled to be certified by EHDEN in OMOP mapping in order to continue leveraging harmonized real-world data for research, reflecting real-time insights from the patient experience of healthcare and solving the challenges of data analysis at scale. It is a crucial time in healthcare and a unique opportunity for large scale research to uncover new insights. Data harmonization is an especially important process as researchers need these methods to tap into the transformational potential of real-world data.”
BC Platform’s OMOP Expertise and EHDEN Funding
BC Platforms as a certified OMOP Expert provides support to EHDEN data partners in standardizing and mapping their health data to the common data model, as well as with installation of the analytical infrastructure.
EHDEN Provides funding to map your healthcare data, up to 100K per applicant. Read more about open calls here
OMOP mapping increases your research opportunities and adds value to your datasets
- Increase your data value through interoperability
- Enhance your research capacity and reproducibility
- Increase your readiness for industry partnering and evidence generation
- Increase your ROI and sustainability
EHDEN aims to develop a federated and equitable ecosystem of institutions generating clinical data, with researchers across academia and industry, supported by certified and qualified SMEs, harmonising clinical data and creating a network technology for real-world research. It will incorporate appropriate policy and regulatory requirements, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ethical research guidelines, via privacy by design in its sociotechnical infrastructure.
Central to EHDEN will be the standardisation of health data to the ‘Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership’ (OMOP) common data model (CDM) and the utilisation of analytical tools such as those developed by the international ‘Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics’ (OHDSI) open science collaboration and others. A network of SMEs will be trained and certified to ensure the consistent transformation of data to the common data model.
Centres joining the EHDEN network could be university or non-academic hospitals, primary care networks, existing registries, etc. EHDEN will enable transparent and fully reproducible research by standardizing both the health data and the analytical pipeline.
Learn more here: https://www.ehden.eu/
This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 806968. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.