Diabetes is the fastest growing disease in the world today so the research in prevention and care of the illness is vitally important. With the research, the intention in the future is to deliver customized treatment tailored to the individual patient and move towards a personalized medicine model.
BC Platforms will implement a comprehensive data management solution for the Direva study for the better use of genetic information in diabetes research. “The solution will greatly improve the overall data management and analysis capability and significantly enhance Direva’s data security, storage efficiency and sharing capability”, explains Annemari Käräjämäki, Chief Medical Officer.
Direva is the diabetes registry of the Vaasa Hospital District, executed together with University of Helsinki, University of Lund (Sweden) and the Botnia project. Direva is a multi-year research program that started in 2007 and at the end of 2013 had almost 5000 patients with diabetes registered. Their goal is to get all 10000 diabetes patients in their hospital district registered in order to extract the most comprehensive and reliable information possible.
“The aim of the research is to give the patients more personalized treatment and thus improve the treatment results and possibly even prevent diabetes altogether”, tells Tero Silvola, CEO of BC Platforms. For this to happen, there’s a need to gather information about different types of diabetes, the progression of the illness and the treatment received. BC Platforms’ data management solution is helping the study to reach its goals faster by making data management, sharing and analysis easier and more efficient than ever before.