Event Date:
April 13, 2024 - 9:00 AM CET
April 13, 2024 - 9:00 AM CET
Pisa, Italy
Pisa, Italy
BC Platforms Attendees:
Laure Saint-Aubert, Project Director & Thomas Trouillard, Research Engineer
Laure Saint-Aubert, Project Director & Thomas Trouillard, Research Engineer
The CHAIMELEON project aims to develop a structured repository of health images and related clinical and molecular data on the most prevalent cancers in Europe: lung, breast, prostate and colorectal.
The interdisciplinary CHAIMELEON consortiumis made up of 18 partners from 9 countries, including our latest addition, Medexprim.
It constitutes a pan-European ecosystem of knowledge, infrastructures, biobanks and technologies on oncology, AI/in-silico and cloud computing addressed to health. Learn more by clicking on the dots on the map and the countries listed below.
CHAIMELEON’s key objectives are to:
- Provide access to large databases in line with legal and ethical requirements
- Establish an EU-wide interoperable repository with quality-checked imaging data as a resource for developing and testing AI tools for cancer management
- Set up a distributed infrastructure building on existing initiatives
- Explore disruptive harmonisation approaches and provide an online processing pipeline for images harmonisation
- Implement online processing pipelines enhancing the integrity and interpretability of AI solutions
- Evaluate and validate the repository internally and externally
- Perform early clinical external validation of AI-based solutions
- Ensure the sustainability of the repository beyond the project runtime and build a large and active userbase